Happy New Year in 2015!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2015! We celebrated New Year's Eve by going to Baskin Robbins; on the 31th of the month they sell their ice cream for $1.31 a scoop. Of course we did that at lunchtime, not at midnight, but it still counts. I was up late enough to hear the neighborhood fireworks but Randy, still recovering from his cold, was already asleep by then. 

This morning we celebrated New Year's Day by unhooking our frozen water line. It's 27 degrees outside! Poor little Julienne; she cannot understand why, in Southern California, she has to go outside to stand on frost-covered ground.
Later, of course, the frost melted and the water line unfroze. The activity for today was a trip to Winco; it's not much in the way of a celebration but Randy and Teresa have been sick in bed for 2 days so it was enough. And before it got dark Randy unhooked the water line again; it's going to be even colder tonight.

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