Great day with family and friends at the Museum

Butch and Lina drove Tina over to visit us at the Museum. Tina is Randy's and Butch's sister, currently living in Oklahoma but visiting San Diego for a few days. She told me that when they were kids, their dad had a D2 like this one that they would drive around the yard. 
She also remembers their dad showing her a little about blacksmithing, which was one of his earliest jobs, before he had a large family. So she was interested in the Blacksmith shop on the Museum grounds.
Tina was right at home at the Museum; she works at a plant that puts together great big engines and trucks. With just a little effort, she probably could have gotten this one running!
In the car barn we stopped to admire a host of beautiful vehicles, including Dan's 1926 Buick Sedan.
Later we all went to lunch at Ciao's, our favorite Italian restaurant in Vista. They ordered pizza while I feasted on fettucchine alfredo. 

The culmination of the day was when Randy arranged for Dan to show up at our RV door to take Butch, Lina, Tina and myself out in the Buick. He drove us off the museum grounds and around town. The Buick tops out at around 40 mph and works better taking hills if it can get a little momentum first, but it ran just fine. Everyone else on the road, of course, stared at it as they passed.
Then they left to go back to San Diego before traffic backed up; traffic decides a lot of things around here. 

And later, beer with Ken and Dan.

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