Clock work

I recently bought a couple of clocks. I knew one didn't work but the other one did, and now it doesn't. Rod and Becky asked us over for dinner to night, so I took my little clock along for Rod to look at. He quickly determined that I was turning the wrong stem. The stem I was trying to turn would wind up the music box (although it wouldn't turn at all). He wound the clock properly, and it started ticking - problem solved!

Then, because he's a nice guy and I needed the help, he took a look at why the music box didn't work. It hasn't been run in so long that it locked up and needed a bit of adjustment.
He tinkered with it until it started working, then put it back into the clock base. Now if I can just keep it working.
Rod's work room fascinates me - all these cool things.
One of the things I love about these is that they are hand-made. People had to make these complicated machines by hand, and took the time to make them beautiful, too. 
After the clock work was done, Becky served us a great meal, and we spent the evening visiting. 

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